Discover the life of our ancestors close to the action
The Vogtland region open-air museum invites to an interesting and informatory walkabout.
In 20 historical byre-dwellings, barns and sheds, visitors can experience how our ancestors lived, plyed animal farming, tilled fields and meadows and manufactured parts for the musical instrument making as a side job. A tour is recommendable in every season.
Guided Tours are offered for groups; likewise museum-pedagogic propositions can be booked. Thereby crop is flailed and bread can be baked in the bake house by the visitors themselves.
In the summer months, the popular event row “Musik aus der Scheune” (music out of the barn) offers regional sounds on one Sunday per month.
Theme days with colorful market bustle, music, lectures and performances invite to stay, but also convey things to know about beekeeping and herbs.

- Historical buildings, authentic equipment
- Permanent- and special exhibitions concerning life and work of the rural population of the Vogtland region
- Show cultivation of typical agricultural crop, herbal- and house gardens, livestock breed keeping
- Music events and theme days
- Museum-pedagogical offerings
- und vieles mehr
Rohrbacher Straße 4 | 08258 Markneukirchen OT Landwüst
Tel. 037422 / 2136
Fax. 037422 / 6836
opening hours- summer season (April - November)
Opening hours- winter season (Dezember - März)